Purple Kaddu reviews Onjus Mixed fruit punch Onjus Mixed fruit punch contains 124 Calories per 200 ml Find calorie count, nutrition facts and preferences on low fat, low sugar, low salt and high protein food products.

Onjus Mixed fruit punch

Juices & Flavoured Drinks

  • 124
  • 200 ml(1 Glass)
  • 2.4 km
Nutrients Good & Bad for you

Products in ‘Juices & Flavoured Drinks’ category range from 0.5 - 0.5

Current Product
  • Are Natural Preservatives, healthy?
    Preservation does not mean necessarily require utilization of artificial ingredients. There are natural ways for preservation too.

    1. Sugar and salt are water-loving, hence they bind to all the free water present in a food preparation.  Due to lack of free water bacteria cannot grow and shelf life of the product increases.

    2. Oil acts as a barrier, it does not allow air or water to enter the food, thus preventing spoilage. 

    Sugar, Salt and Oil are used in our day-to-day cooking too, but when used as preservative the amounts required are high thereby may increase the total fat and sugar content of the product leading to weight gain.
  • Loaded with Sugar

    Each serving of the product has at least 1 teaspoon (5g) of sugar in it which makes it a sugar rich product.

    One of the immediate side effects of high sugar intake is increase in fat deposits in the body which may increase your risk for obesity,diabetes and a host of other conditions.

    Also, some studies suggest that its not FAT but sugar that is the cause for excess weight gain. Hence, best to avoid.

Disclaimer:Product Analysis is based on general practices in the field of Nutrition. Please check with or consult a qualified and licensed medical professional for its suitability to you.