Purple Kaddu reviews Knorr Classic Creamy Mushroom Soup Knorr Classic Creamy Mushroom Soup contains 45 Calories per 11 gm Find calorie count, nutrition facts and preferences on low fat, low sugar, low salt and high protein food products.

Knorr Classic Creamy Mushroom Soup


  • 45
  • 11 gm(to prepare 1 bowl of soup (150 ml))
  • 0.9 km
Nutrients Good & Bad for you

Products in ‘Soup’ category range from 0.5 - 3

Current Product
  • Food Sensitivity Alert for MSG
    Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is the sodium salt of the common amino acid i.e. Glutamic acid, popular for its usage as flavouring agent in Asian Cooking. 

    This glutamate salt is also found naturally in various foods such as tomatoes and cheese as well as ingredients such as hydrolyzed vegetable protein, hydrolysed groundnut protein, autolyzed yeast, hydrolyzed yeast, yeast extract, soy extracts, and protein isolate. 

    Some people are sensitive to MSG having adverse effects such as headache, depression, etc. on regular consumption of this salt. Indian law requires that foods containing Added MSG list it in the ingredient panel on the packaging with the warning that it should not be consumed by infants below 12 months. However, if ingredients that have naturally occurring MSG, are added to the product then the product may not specify in regards to its presence. 

    Pregnant & Lactating women & Infants should avoid Products containing MSG .
  • Know your Food- Sugar and its Aliases
    Some Food Products mask the amount of Added Sugar by using multiple forms of sugar and avoid displaying Sugar as one of the first ingredient. All Ingredient list are in descending order by their weight, so the position of sugar and its aliases can give an indication of the amount of 'Added Sugar'.

    Though the Nutrition Fact label on the food product gives you the Total Sugar, the regulation does not require the break up between natural and added sugar to be given. Thus, it is important to know the different sources of sugar that may be present in a food product to get an idea of added sugar. 

    At the same time it is important to understand that the body does not distinguish between natural and added sugar, so take note of the Total Sugar in the Nutritional Fact label.

    Read more about the many different sources of sugar which includes Dextrose, Invert Syrup, Maltodextrin, Honey...
  • High in Saturated Fat
    Saturated Fats are often termed as the Bad Fat as excess consumption of these can lead to increase in the production of high cholesterol, atherosclerosis (thickening of artery walls) and strokes. 

    On the other hand, there are  recent reports that Saturated Fats may not be all bad. 
    Saturated Fats is not only synthesised by the body as part of metabolism  but also makes it way in your diet through various raw ingredients

    Thus, you should limit eating food with added Saturated Fat.
  • May Have Trans fat
    Trans fat is generated when Polyunsaturated Fat based oil is heated in presence of moisture at high temperature for long duration. 
    Increasing awareness about ill effects of Trans Fat and Food Laws, have resulted in many of the food manufacturing companies changing oil and cooking method to make their products Trans Fat Free. 
    The Indian Food Law allows products with less 0.2 grams per serving size to claim Trans Fat Free. Companies may use the trans fat law to their advantage by reducing the serving size to be within the criteria for calling their products Trans Fat Free. 
    Look at the ingredient and nutrition label of Baked and Fried food packages carefully, they are expected to have Trans Fat.
    A Food product package that lists ʺhydrogenated oilʺ or "partially hydrogenated oil" may have Trans Fat. Sometimes the terms ʺhydrogenatedʺ and ʺpartially hydrogenatedʺ are used interchangeably. 
    Thus, always check the product label. Take note of the serving size and also of terms such as - 'hydrogenated oil', 'partially hydrogenated oil' , 'vegetable shortening' , ‘ Bakery shortening’, 'margarine' ,'edible vegetable fat' . These are synonyms for presence of trans fats.
  • Salt Shockers
    The product joins the line up of Salt Shockers.

    Salt is made up of 40% Sodium. Even for people who don't have high blood pressure, controlling sodium will significantly blunt the rise in blood pressure that occurs as we age. 

    Now, Don't go to other extreme and stop taking salt. Sodium is essential nutrient that controls Blood Pressure and is needed to make nerve and muscle to work properly. Not Too Much or Too Little Of Sodium, just have enough. Not more than 1 tsp in a day as added salt as sodium also comes from different raw ingredients.

Disclaimer:Product Analysis is based on general practices in the field of Nutrition. Please check with or consult a qualified and licensed medical professional for its suitability to you.